Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A quiet few days ...


I just realized it has been five days since I posted our last update. My lack of writing is not an indication Dane is experiencing any complications, but rather just the opposite, as we haven't really had any new medical information to report since the great news we posted last Thursday.

As has been the case the past couple of weeks, Dane was fairly mellow on Friday and Saturday. This is likely due to the after effects of the chemotherapy treatment he received last Thursday. By Sunday he had a bit more energy, however that day he also came down with the beginnings of a cold. We've been watching the cold closely to ensure it doesn't turn into anything worse and today we went for a quick and unscheduled check-up at the Cancer Clinic just to make sure he was okay. He checked out just fine and there is no indication the cold is causing him any issues at this time. The doctor and nurse thought he looked great again today so they didn't bother with any blood work.

He has no procedures (bone marrow or spinal tap) this week so we are "free" from trips to the Pediatric Day Unit at Children's Hospital. We go back to the Cancer Clinic on Friday for a check-up, blood work and his final chemotherapy treatment of the induction phase. He will need an IV at this visit so we'll be reminding him that it really doesn't hurt much with the special freezing cream. An option for Dane in the future is to have what's called a "port" inserted into a vein that flows from his heart. If we go this route, he wouldn't require any more IVs or pokes, as all blood would be drawn from the port and all medicine inserted into the port. We've briefly discussed this option with Dane and thus far, he's not keen on having a port inserted. To do so would require surgery and he said he'd prefer to keep having IVs, as long as he can have the "magic cream".

Before Dane's check-up at the Clinic he got a special treat - the opportunity to see his unborn baby sister in utero at the Fetal Assessment department. Both Ashley and Dane have seen many still pictures of their little sister, however this was the first time either one attended an appointment with me. He thought this was very cool and his sister was very cooperative - she showed off her moves during the ultrasound. She is growing well and at 5.5 months is about 1.5 pounds. My OB is still keeping a very close eye on me under these stressful circumstances and is specifically watching for premature labour symptoms that I experienced with Dane. He (my doctor) was pleased with my check-up today and I go back again in two weeks.

Our family mood was definitely low on the weekend and yesterday, as we were supposed to be in Orlando this week for our big Disney trip. However, I didn't feel quite as bad when I checked the weather forecast and saw it's supposed to rain there later this week. The weekends are definitely proving to be harder than the weekdays and that's likely because we don't have as much structure and the days can get long. Dane continues to be a puzzle lunatic and that's great because it puts in lots of time.

We will post another update Friday after Dane's check-up. In the meantime, if you are inclined, I know there is a girl in this house who is celebrating her 9th birthday this Thursday that would love to receive your special wishes.

Thanks and take care ... Janie and Dirk


  1. We continue to read your blogs with interest, and support. Mickey is overrated anyhow, and Minnie is a doormat. Before you know it, it might be time for a Disney cruise with the manic Martins!!! Happy Birthday Ashley!!!.... tomorrow, that is.... and your 3 pseudo cousins will be calling with their usual out of tune rendition of Happy Birthday!! Stay glued to the edge of your seat. Dano, Uncle Terry had a blast at the Allstars festivities in Montreal so we have a little something for you too. No Dirk, it is not the Coors light girls from the jumbotron. Love you all!! Stay strong and positive.

    Auntie Jodi and crew

  2. My very best wishes to Dane. My wife LotLot in the Philippines also sends her best wishes to Dane and all your family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHLEY! Mr. Ramsay

  3. Dirk, Janie, Dane & Ashley,

    Dane, it is great to hear that you are doing well. Continue to be a kid, even through the tough times. Give you Dad a good body-check into a snow bank once in awhile. That will put a smile on everyones face. We received a good update from Pat Collins last night at supper while he was in Regina, SK.
    Thinking of you all!
    Love the Browns ( Al, Lisa, Matthew & Nathan)
    Regina, SK

  4. Happy Birthday to our Crazy Canadian Ashley!

  5. Hey there Dane and Ashley,
    Hi from everyone at the daycare. We miss you both. Dane the boys miss playing those crazy hockey games with you and can't wait till you can play with them again. Ashley the girls miss doing those crafty things you all love to do also. Hope you have a great present filled day. About disney it will be much better to go with your new sister so you can teach her about all those disney carachters. Keep smiling everyone. You are always in our thoughts and our prayers are with you.

    Ellen(from FGCC)


    We hope you have a wonderful 9th birthday...don't kiss too many boys!

    Trevor & Karen.
