Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dane's Journey

Good evening,

Just a quick entry tonight before we call it quits for the day - I will follow-up with a more detailed write-up sometime tomorrow. Thank you to everyone for reading the blog, posting comments (they are very uplifting), sending emails and phoning. We are trying to respond to all the messages, but sometimes we just run out of energy and can't get back to everyone as quickly as we'd like. Please know we appreciate every contact that is made with us as we fight this battle.

The response to Dane's diagnosis of ALL has been overwhelming and with so many people in his corner, he is a very lucky little boy. His first day at the Cancer Clinic yesterday went very well - the doctor commented several times how "fantastic" he looked, especially his rosy lips. The double thigh injection was definitely the low point of the visit and he cried out for his big sister Ashley many times. We just hugged him really tight and he made it through the needles. Fortunately he doesn't have to go through that again during the induction phase of his treatment (first 28 days). The Cancer Clinic staff are amazing and the facility is a child's paradise. Dane stuck very close to us on this visit but we'll see if he ventures to any of the activities the next time.

The procedures scheduled for today had to be postponed until tomorrow due to him not fasting long enough, so it's an early visit to HSC for us in the morning. We should be wrapped up before lunch and hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Thanks to everyone for the continued emotional and moral support. The home cooking and baking are just what the doctor ordered for all of us, especially a very hungry seven year old on steroids who has gained three pounds in the last week!

Please continue to keep Dane in your thoughts.

Janie and Dirk


  1. Dear Janie and Dirk,
    I just heard about Dane's diagnosis yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thanks for starting a blog. I will check in regularly for updates on what I am sure will be his speedy & complete recovery. :)
    Stay warm and best wishes, Erica Brudvig Karsky

  2. Thanks for the update. I will be checking every day. I have lots of peeps praying for you all...even some nuns! You are all such a strong family, you will get through this marathon. Lots of love, Tricia

  3. Dear Janie and Dirk, it was with great sadness that I heard about Dane's diagnosis, but I know Dane and your family are great fighters. So with all my thoughts and prayers I know all will be well. I will check daily for updates or any comments that you feel you can put
