Thursday, January 15, 2009

Dane's Journey

We thought we'd include this great shot of Dane taken this past summer on the dock at our cottage. It was one of many photos he and his sister posed for that beautiful summer day and it's an awesome picture of our "beach bum".
Today was a very eventful day. We had to be at HSC for 8:00 am for Dane's bone marrow, spinal tap and chemotherapy treatment. For the most part, it went very well. The exception was when it came time to poke him again for his IV. Although his arm vein had been frozen with special cream, being a sceptic, he didn't believe it would actually dull the pain. He worked himself into quite a frenzy before the needle went in and then when the actual IV was put in, he barely flinched. He commented a couple of times later on that "it hardly hurt with the special cream". We will be reminding him of this next week when it's time for his next IV. We are also taking a special person with us to that appointment, his big sister Ashley, to help him through. He is sedated for the bone marrow and spinal tap so he feels nothing. He didn't even complain at all later today about any pain in his back or hip. He receives the chemo treatment through his IV so all he feels for that is a cold sensation in his arm as the medicine is going in.
We were scheduled to return to Cancer Care tomorrow for another check-up, however given we've been at HSC three times this week and the fact he is doing so well, we were "excused" from our appointment. Barring him getting sick in the next few days, we don't go back to Cancer Care until next Tuesday. Dane is VERY happy to have the next four days "off" from his hospital schedule and is looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow!
We received very good news late in the day regarding the levels of his cancer cells in his bone marrow. When the first bone marrow test was conducted last Wednesday, he had more than 80% cancerous cells. After just one week of treatment the percentage had dropped to around 8% - a reduction of over 70%. According to the Cancer Care team, that is a great result for week one and they are very pleased with his progress. Dirk and I breathed a huge sigh of relief today that so far he is responding well to the treatment regimen. He will need another bone marrow test next Wednesday, as one must be done if there is over 5% cancerous cells still present. He will not need to undergo another spinal tap though until Day 28/29.
Dane's hemoglobin has dropped again and is hovering in the zone where he will likely need another transfusion next week. We'll be watching him very closely over the next few days as we can definitely see a decline in his energy level when it gets low. If that is required, it will be done on Tuesday at Cancer Care.
Dane also received very exciting news today that he has been granted a "wish" through the Children's Wish Foundation. He will not be able to travel for a number of months so the plan right now is to request a trip to see an NHL game somewhere warm in the US next fall/early winter. Now that the phone call came today, he believes his "wish" will actually come true, even if it's many months away. This news helps ease the kids' disappointment a bit that we had to cancel our trip to Disney World (we were to leave January 25 for Orlando).
The emotions in the house have levelled off between Dane and Ashley the past few days. His mood swings are a bit less at this point and Ashley is more accepting of our current situation. She turns 9 in a couple of weeks so we are planning a special celebration to lift her spirits. Dirk and I are hanging in there, although I hit a wall today and the fatigue has really kicked in. So far all is good with the baby and my OB is keeping a close eye on me.
We continue to eat VERY well thanks to everyone's generosity. Dane is ravenous about food in a way we have not ever seen before - it's actually quite humorous to see that hungry look in his eyes.
We look forward to your emails and blog comments - as I said yesterday, it brightens our days and lifts our spirits.
Thanks to everyone who is holding good thoughts for our special son.
Janie and Dirk


  1. That is a great picture of Dane. On his hardest days, I hope his mind will take him to that place in the sun.

    Hang in there,

  2. Nice photo. Cool tattoo Dane!

    We had a good time at the lake the weekend we were there, though I keep getting horrible flashbacks of Collins half naked in his tight ass gitch fixing the dock with your Dad. It was like a c-grade Japanese porno:
    "The German Carpenter & His Asian Assistant"..."pass me the "big wood" Patrick!"

    Just kidding...

    Sorry Collins...couldn't resist!

    Stay strong Dane and laugh whenever you can!


  3. The fact that you find time and energy to write updates is amazing! It sounds like your kids (and the two of you) have already found a way to take this horrible situation and find some incredible is that!!! Take care, have a great weekend off and know you're thought of tons!

  4. Great news about the cancer cells. You are all truly fighters! Enjoy your "vacation" until Tuesday. Love, Tricia

  5. Trevor,
    I really enjoyed your blog as did Janie and Dirk, although it brought back painful memories of Pat for Terry and I too. Ours however, involved his desire to purchase "Manpries" in the Guess Outlet in Vegaaaasssss!!! Jackie said "you look like an #$%*#$% idiot", I said "I am not sure why Pat, though somewhat fruity, my pulse is racing and my knees are weak." Likely, it was due to flashbacks of the Japanese Porno we all watched the evening before, whilst doing body shots with those adorable Mexican finger snappers. Pat took many very creatively marketed cards.

    The picture is awesome, and certainly a boost for everyone who has heard the good news, is crossing their fingers, AND dreams of warmer weather. Keep it up Dane and be strong Mom and Dad. We owe you a "happy face" cookie from our cottage retreat.

    Jodi ( and the Martin 5)

  6. Hi Jodi,

    Whew!...I'm glad someone found some humour in that...didn't want to offend anyone. I enjoyed your "Pat" story too, if you have more keep them coming. I have lots more but what goes around comes around, so I best tread lightly!

    Gotta love Pattie...runs his own route, that fella does, I have much admiration for that quality in a person.

    Now, for the real reason I visit this Blog a couple of times a day...I'm so happy to hear that Dane is cruising along nicely with his treatments, he needs to get well soon so that I can kick his butt at football again.

    Dane, you are one of a kind...a real breath of fresh air to be around, stay strong and try not to behave yourself...if you need anything, anything at all here is my cell # 792-6721 please don't be shy to ask...I'll pay for it out of Karen's clothes account - we have a joint account now(ah!)...I'm loosing control buddy, I use to be master, now I am slave!

    Both Karen and I think about you everyday and we wish you a speedy recovery!

    Thanks for the update guys! I hope you are both doing well and getting some rest.

    Neidermeyer...I'll give you a buzz tomorrow!

    Take it easy,

  7. Janie, Dirk, Dane & sister Ashley

    Just wanted to let you know there are a ferocious bunch of Krazy Kats sending positive energy in your direction. We miss our awesome defence woman on the ice and know that "all will be well". Your family has shown us all about the power of the spirit and it sounds like Dane is off to a great start with his treatments.
    We also want "mother kat" to look after the upcoming arrival of another ringette player and are thrilled to hear that everyone is fed and watered to excess.
    There are a dozen kats waiting for an assignment so Janie let us know what we can do to help out (YES, you get to be the boss!).
    Take care and Ashley great work in the Winakwa ringette tournament - we heard your team were winners (another great ringette player!)
    Donalda (#11) for the Krazy Kats

  8. Janie & Dirk,
    I heard your news today, I want to say that I'm so terribly upset that you have to travel down this road, but in my heart I know that Dane is going to be ok. If it alright with both of you, I would like to forward in a prayer request to my church regarding Dane.
    I will be thinking of you contuniuosly. I have enormous hope for Dane. HE's young, has the best of care at Cancercare, & the Childrens Hosp, & he has a loving sister, & caring loving parents. He could'nt be in better care anywhere else, he has the best.
    big hug.
