Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Negative is positive"

Good morning,

I have a few quick moments to spare this morning as Ms. Clare appears to be napping. I say "appears" because she tricks us a lot these days - just when we think she is out she wakes up and 9/10 thinks it must be time to eat - AGAIN! She was up to nearly 8 1/2 pounds last Thurs at her one month check-up and I'm sure she is close to 9 lbs by today. I know that still sounds small to many of you who had ginormous babies, but when the pediatrician gives you the two thumbs up because she is gaining at 1.5 times the average rate, you know that doesn't bode well for mom's slumber. No photos today - I'm still waiting to get a good one of her and Ash & Dane.
In the case of Dane's H1N1 status, "negative is positive". We received word Friday afternoon that he does not have the virus - thank goodness! We can only hope he does not become one of the 50% of Manitobans that health officials expect will contract H1N1. Camp Arnes was cancelled outright due to the virus so our campers stayed home this weekend. They were a tiny bit disappointed but filled the weekend with many other fun activities (b-day parties, time with Grandma and golfing).
Dane seemed to have basically no negative reaction to his heavy-duty treatment last week so again that was very positive news. He is in his feeling well zone right now and has the week off until his day 41 treatment this Friday - the last of this cycle. If he continues to feel great, we have decided to pull the kids from school for the last day and head to Pickerel Lake for a ten day stint from June 27 - July 6. With this turn in the weather, it finally feels like lake season - now we just need the nasty little black flies to disappear.
As I predicted, the trickster is starting to stir after a short little nap so I better sign off. I'll post again after his Friday treatment.
Thanks for continuing to "stay tuned" to Dane's journey.
Janie and Dirk

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hantschers,

    Just a quick thumbs up and keep up the good work Dano. We are so proud of you and know that you will come out of this stronger and faster.....

    Auntie Jodi and the kids
