Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Dashing for Dane" to the tune of $3000!

Good morning,

I hadn't intended to post an update until after Dane's appointment this Friday, however I have some great pictures to share and awesome news that between Jodi and Noah, just over $3000 was raised for the "Dashing for Dane" relay team. The "D for D" team ran in the Cops for Cancer half-marathon this past Sunday and they did fantastic. They placed 25 out of about 250 teams and in doing so, well surpassed their anticipated race time.
Dane and I were on the route to watch them finish, however it didn't exactly play out as we had intended. We thought they wouldn't be finished until about 10:00 - 10:15, so we parked the car at 9:45 and walked up a side street to the main route. We then spotted a closer parking spot, so I proceeded to move the car, only to find out I couldn't park in this spot. So, we headed back up to Portage Avenue (the route started and finished at Assiniboine Park) to turn down another side street. As we were doing so, out of the corner of my eye I spotted Jodi and Noah in the home stretch, many minutes ahead of their expected pace. By the time Dane and I realized it was them, it was too late to roll down the window and yell "go D for D team"! We were cheering them on from in the van and once we'd parked and walked into the park, we found them near the finish line. We snapped these snazzy photos "post-race" - they both look great to me considering they had just finished a half-marathon relay! Our heartfelt thanks to Jodi and Noah for running for our special son Dane and to everyone who donated to this very worthwhile cause. Post baby, I'm hoping to run next year to carry on the tradition.

Dane continues to feel super this week and he attended his first soccer practice last night. He has no shortage of energy and if Dirk was agreeable, Dane would spend every second outside in the nice weather playing street hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, etc. He has taken a real liking to bbq'ed food these days as well and has appointed himself Dirk's "bbq gopher". His love for any meat product truly demonstrates he is truly his father's son. Ashley's 3x3 ringette team is off to a roaring start - they are 2-0 after their first week of play.
If the "plan" comes to fruition, we should expect baby "H" to arrive perhaps on Sunday or Monday. The kids are very excited and counting down the days, however no-one is more ready than me. Sleep is difficult to come by, due to my 9 month bump and many thoughts about actually delivering this baby! After 7.5 years, I've kind of forgotten what it feels like, however my memory is still vivid enough to remember to focus on the end result because the journey is usually not much fun.
I'll be back in touch after Dane's appointment this Friday. Please keep your "fingers crossed" he's ready to start this week. If he is, the three year treatment clock will start ticking May 8, 2009.
Take care ... Janie and Dirk


  1. Good luck with the baby. Good luck this Friday. I'll be thinking about you!!! And just could always have the baby on May 8th!! Good day!!!

  2. Great Job Jodi and Noah!
    Hope all goes as planned with treatment this week.
    I sure hope that baby H comes when you have her planned.
    take care
    Kim, Rick, Hunter and Rhianna

  3. Hello everyone, Thanks again for the support and good wishes and Noah is also planning on running it again, so maybe Auntie Janie can be his partner next Auntie Janie, it was 292 teams so lets not forget those 42 other slow ass teams we smoked as well...Another fact that was missed on the Running Room site,is that we were in fact the 2009 fundraising leaders contrary to what was said in the paper. They did not add up our mail in donationsand off line donations...not that I am complaining about the snub race organizers and gentleman recipient of the award.....kinda...not!! The cause was the goal anyway.

    Good luck this week, we are rooting for you Dane AND little Clare who will surely rock her parents worlds all over agin by next week...

    xoxox Jodi and family
