October 18, 2001 - Dane Owen Hantscher is born, a son for Janie & Dirk and a little brother for Ashley. Life is great - our family feels complete.
October 18, 2011 - Dane celebrates his double digits birthday with his family and friends, including the newest member that wasn't really in the "plans" all those years ago. As the attached pictures indicate, he had a great milestone b-day. He thanked us for all we did to make it special and he really seemed to appreciate the significance of celebrating the final birthday while he is still undergoing treatment. Next year will be so great!!!
He is doing really well and the countdown is definitely on. In just over a week we will hit the six month mark until he is finished (May 8, 2012) and plans are underway for the big celebration. His counts continue to be pretty good. I'm preparing myself they might be a little low his next appt in early November because they were hovering on the edge at his last clinic visit.
His hockey is going great. His team went 3-1 in a pre-season tourney and he looks really good. He loves his teammates which for us is the most satisfying part of the hockey experience. He's also busy with all things sport at school, including playing on the grade 6 v-ball team (he's only in grade 5)!
Ashley & Clare are doing well. Ashley made the "A" ringette team and plays her first game later today. Like all things in her life, she works very hard and we are really proud of her efforts. Clare is nearly two and a half. She talks in full & multiple sentences, is nearly out of diapers (yeah!!!) and has some attitude! We can't imagine where she gets that from.
We hope fall has been good to you - Janie & Dirk