Hello everyone,
Is it Spring? I'm not sure because it actually feels more like summer in Winnipeg these days. In fact, the past couple of days have been nicer than most July & August days last year. We can only hope this is a sign of what is to come for the next few months. On a selfish note, I am really hoping for amazing weather because it will be my last summer off with the kids before I go back to work in mid-September. Pickerel lake is calling our names this year.
So given all that has been going on around here lately, "spring clean-up" seemed like the most appropriate title for this entry. Yep, I still lay awake at night thinking of the next headline.
Here's the scoop as of late ...
"A Wild Ride"
When I last wrote, we were prepping for a few day jaunt to Minneapolis to watch our third Sharks game since January. Our favorite contact in San Jose, Erin, had arranged for seats in a private suite with kids from a Minnesota organization called "Hope Kids" (children with significant medical issues). If that wasn't enough, when we arrived at VIP Will-Call, Dane and Dirk were whisked away to sit on the SJ bench during the pre-game skate. Minus the crazy bike helmets they had to wear (LOL) it was a great experience. Big Joe was actually injured that week so he didn't play, however that disappointment was erased when he plunked himself down beside Dane on the bench. Crazy!!! Erin says we've met Joe more times in the past three months than she's seen him in five years. The SJ coach even came out, shook their hands and thanked them for being such great Sharks' fans. Dane got the inside scoop on Joe's injury and when he'd return to action. It's now play-off time of course, so he is glued to the TV set when SJ is playing. We let him watch last night's game because he didn't have school today, however it was such a heart-breaker I didn't know what he would do. SJ had 51 shots and lost one minute into OT when they basically scored on their own net. Hopefully they recover tomorrow night. Something has gone hay-wire with blogger.com so I can't post this great picture of Dane with the Wild mascot in the suite. I'll try again next time otherwise I might loose it on my computer tonight.
Our many thanks to our wonderful US hosts, Tricia & Matt, for letting us stay at chez Iten-Maly for a couple of fun filled days & nights.
"Cleaning House"
For the past several weeks we have literally been cleaning our house. After a one year wait due to Dane's treatment, we finally finished the basement. This might not seem like a big deal to some, but to us it was huge because it meant moving large pieces of furniture (aka an 800 pound piano) out of the den to make room for Dane to move into his new digs. He and Ashley had been sharing a room for five months and that was getting VERY old for everyone. Now all the kids have their own rooms again plus lots of new space downstairs to play and hang out. The house seems much larger and quieter and that's a great thing. Every day I tackle another "closet clean-up" and fortunately the end is in sight. IKEA's stock was severely depleted when we went to Minni and Dirk has hardly protested about all the furniture assembly he's had to undertake.
"Four Week Pass"
Although Dane's counts were lower at his appt than the month before, they were still great so we got another four week reprieve from the Clinic. He has been feeling super and I'm hopeful when we head there next week for his once a month chemo that his levels will still be up. If so we won't have to go back until late May and he will be thrilled. The monthly steroid boosts are still nasty, but at least we can "crystal ball" when they are going to kick in and make him hungry, cranky and emotional. We have learned to tip-toe around him for several days until the "mood" passes.
"On the Go"
The kids' spring activities have kicked into high-gear the past couple of weeks. Dane is playing 3x3 hockey, flag football (first time) and swimming. Ash is playing 3x3 ringette, swimming and taking musical theatre. Dane was pretty pumped at the first flag practice when he was picked to be the running back for the first few games. This was due to his speed & agility and the coach was pretty surprised to discover the kid he was praising for his "moves" is the one undergoing leukemia treatment. He plays his first game this Sunday at Wpg stadium and he's very excited. After telling me for quite some time she wanted to do other "things" besides ringette, Ashley is excited to be testing her drama skills (however we do tell her this happens at home on a pretty frequent basis - she is ten after all).
"Almost One"
It's hard to believe but Ms. Clare is going to celebrate her first b-day in a few weeks. May 11 is the milestone and this mom has to get her act in gear to plan something for her. She is not walking yet, but crawling like a machine and running beside and between the furniture. She can stand on her own when she wants to and she's likely only a couple weeks away from really cruising. She is still NOT sleeping through the night on a regular basis, however I get the odd night where she goes from 9:30 - 6:00 or so. I live for those nights! Hope you like the latest photos taken in the past couple of days.
"Wish Coverage"
Shaw TV produced a story about Dane's wish trip to San Jose. It aired last week and was on the website. I checked today and it's off the main page, however apparently as of tomorrow it can be accessed under the "Viewer Favorites" tab on the website. If you want to watch it, just go to Shaw TV's website and look at that tab. It's about a four minute piece ... the reporter did a very nice job capturing the essence and thrill of his wish.
"40 Down ... 40 More??"
I'm officially in the next decade now and my angst of turning 40 has come and gone. I can't stop the clock so might as well live with the inevitable. Thanks to everyone who passed along b-day wishes, they were very much appreciated. My partner in crime Jodi and I are slowly training for the 20 km Challenge for Life on June 12 in support of CCMB - you may recall from an earlier post this is my 40th b-day present to me. Weather like this is making our "prep" walks much easier so let's hope it sticks around. The following is a link to my page for the walk if you are interested in supporting this wonderful cause ...
Well, it's now officially my bedtime. We hope everything is great in your world. Until next time, take care ... Janie & Dirk